A family's journey to adopting Ford, their gentle giant, began with a young girl's dream and a newfound love for greyhounds.
A Daughter's Dream
Inspired by her passion for racing and dogs, their oldest daughter discovered greyhounds in a library book. Seeing them as the canine version of herself, she persistently asked for one, believing it more attainable than a thoroughbred.
It all started with my oldest daughter, a human runner that enjoys racing herself, and also loves horse racing. After checking out a dog encyclopedia from the library she discovered greyhounds and quickly decided that greyhounds were the dog version of herself and thoroughbreds. She also concluded that she had a much better chance of us owning a greyhound than a thoroughbred. So she began begging me, for what ended up being years, to get her a greyhound.
From Hesitation to Excitement
Initially hesitant, having only owned small dogs, the family learned more about greyhounds through adoption books and realized they were the perfect fit. This led them to Greyt Angels and Ford.
I didn't want anything to do with large dogs, I had only ever had chihuahuas, and I was nervous that that a greyhound would plow my younger daughter over. My oldest daughter's begging eventually led me to buy her 2 books about adopting retired greyhounds. I decided to read the books also and the more I read about greyhounds, the more I realized they were actually a breed that would be a great fit for us. That led us to Greyt Angels and Ford.
Finding Ford
After months of searching, Ford was recommended as a great match. His name seemed destined, as it resonated with their family's love for Ford cars. Ford's gentle and goofy nature made him the ideal addition.
We stalked the adoptable hounds on the Greyt Angel website for months before finally filling out an application, and at that time Ford was suggested as a good fit. Since my dad and both of my brothers drive Ford cars, I took that as a sign. It turned out that he was indeed the perfect, goofy, gentle giant to add to our family.
Life with Ford
Ford quickly became a beloved family member, enjoying mealtime, walks, and playtime with the kids. The oldest daughter is even teaching him obedience, with some success.
Ford loves mealtime, walks, car rides, and playing with my kiddos. My oldest daughter is working on obedience training with Ford and so far he knows shake and come (well about 50% success with come).
A Supportive Community
Adopting Ford introduced the family to the supportive Greyt Angels community, where they met wonderful people, including Jesse, who became a special part of their lives.
After adopting Ford I was pleasantly surprised by how wonderful and supportive the Greyt Angel group is. We have met so many amazing people through Greyt Angels, including Jesse who I have been happily dating for almost a year now.
A Joyful Journey
Since adopting Ford, the family has also fostered eight hounds, finding joy and fulfillment in helping other greyhounds find homes. Ford has brought them more happiness than they ever imagined.
We also decided to try fostering and have also fostered 8 hounds. Ford is a very special guy who has brought more happiness to our lives than he will ever realize.
Thank you for sharing your heartwarming journey with Ford.