The Hosfield family shares their heartwarming journey of adopting two wonderful greyhounds, Darla and Mabel.
Finding Darla
After losing their schnauzer-mix, the Hosfields felt a void without a dog in their home. Initially seeking a larger dog, they discovered Greyt Angels and quickly connected with Darla. By the weekend, Darla was part of their family.
“Last fall, we were looking to adopt another dog after losing our schnauzer-mix to health problems. We’ve had a dog for as long as our children can remember, so not having one definitely left a void. We knew we didn’t want to wait long to find another dog to give a good home. We talked about different qualities and characteristics we might want in our next dog. Sean and Andrew wanted a bigger dog than we’d had in the past. I wasn’t so sure.We did a lot of research on our own, talked to family that had a greyhound, and also went to a meet and greet for a local greyhound adoption agency, as we live closer to Indianapolis. To our disappointment, the process was painstakingly slow and we were essentially told to look elsewhere if we were ready to adopt. That was when we found Greyt Angels after searching online. There were three potential dogs we were interested in, with Darla being one of them. I filled out the application on a Tuesday and by Saturday, we were driving to Goshen to meet our new dog!
Life with Darla
Darla is a smart, curious, and mischievous girl, instantly winning their hearts. Known for her expressive tail wags and playful antics, she's earned the nickname "Darla the Destroyer" for her love of tearing up "indestructible" toys. Darla's personality shines as she roams the house, sometimes sneaking off with items that aren’t hers.
Darla is such a wonderful girl and we couldn’t be more in love with her. She’s a smart, super sweet, happy girl, who’s very curious and a little mischievous. Her tail is her most expressive feature; sometimes doing a slow wag back and forth, or a quick wag that shakes her whole body, or giant circles that look a helicopter about to take off! She likes to stick her entire head inside any bag that enters the house to check things out. She also occasionally likes to walk off with things that aren’t hers, such as plastic bags, dirty laundry, cups, and sometimes even wrapped Christmas presents! She’s also earned the nickname “Darla the Destroyer” because she ends up tearing up almost every “indestructible” dog toy that enters the house. The squeaky toys are her favorite. She’s an expert at catching her treats if they are tossed to her and she’s also an expert roacher...a true couch potato.
Welcoming Mabel
Loving Darla so much, the Hosfields decided to adopt a second greyhound. They tracked down Darla’s sister, Mabel, and welcomed her into their home. Darla helped Mabel transition from track life, teaching her how to enjoy being a house dog.
We loved Darla so much that we thought about adopting a second greyhound. After looking at her lineage on and we were able to track down one of her sisters, Mabel, who was racing in Birmingham, AL. As soon as we saw she was being retired, we called the track, filled out the adoption application, and drove down to pick her up. We officially adopted Mabel last May.
A Full House
Having both Darla and Mabel has brought endless joy and entertainment to the Hosfield family. The two sisters keep everyone on their toes and fill the house with love and laughter.
It’s been so much fun having our two “girls”. They definitely keep us on our toes and keep us entertained. Darla really helped Mabel with the transition from track life to home life. We joke that Darla taught Mabel how to be a dog.
Gratitude to Greyt Angels
The Hosfields are thankful to Greyt Angels for bringing these delightful hounds into their lives, completing their family.
We can’t thank Greyt Angels enough!
Thank you, Hosfield family, for sharing your beautiful story with Darla and Mabel.