Sara Howard recently marked her one-year anniversary as a foster mom with Greyt Angels. Her experience over the past year highlights the profound impact fostering can have.
Making a Difference
Sara has fostered five special greyhounds: Lily, Dexter, Boo, Red, and Jane. While she's provided them with a loving home and care, they've given her so much in return.
I celebrated my one year anniversary as a foster with Greyt Angels at the end of October. Becoming a foster is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have fostered 5 very special greyhounds; Lily, Dexter, Boo, Red, and Jane. It's true, I've made a difference for them by providing a home, a warm pillow or two to lay around on (a lot), food in their bellies, and most importantly, lots of love. But what have I gotten in return?"
After losing her dog Rudy, fostering helped fill the void. The hounds have brought comfort and healing to Sara's life.
"We lost our dog, Rudy, a little over a year ago. I was devastated, but having these hounds in our home has helped fill a void. I've made a difference for them, but they've made a bigger difference for me."
Greyhounds are quirky and entertaining. From their unique poses to their playful "zoomies," each hound has brought joy and laughter.
"Greyhounds are a funny, quirky breed. From the way they lay (they have no shame), to how they roo (sometimes they just have something to say), to watching some of them run zoomies in small spaces, there isn't one hound that hasn't made me laugh."
Coolness Factor
Walking a greyhound turns heads. Many people are curious and often mistake them for Great Danes, making Sara and her hounds the center of attention.
"Have you ever taken a greyhound on a walk, or to the pet store? Everyone stops to stare or ask questions. Most people are in awe, and for some reason think my greyhounds are Great Danes. And then I say, "nope, it's a greyhound". Yep, I'm the coolest, and so are my hounds."
Being part of Greyt Angels has connected Sara with a supportive community. She advocates for greyhounds and participates in fun events like parades.
"I've had the opportunity to be a part of an amazing adoption group which is made up of some of the most supportive and passionate people I have ever met. They inspire me. I get the opportunity to advocate for greyhounds, to educate about the breed, and to participate in some really fun events. Have you ever marched in a parade with a greyhound? I have. See point 3 about the coolness factor."
Friendship and Community
The relationships formed with other fosters, adopters, and board members are invaluable. This welcoming community is always looking for more people to join.
"Everyone I've met from the board members of Greyt Angels, to the other fosters, to the people who end up adopting the dogs I foster, and everyone in between, are all a part of this very special greyhound loving community. And even though it seems like an exclusive community, do you want to know a secret? it's really not. You can be a part of our friendship and community too. We want you to be. Because guess what? We need more people just like you who have a home to lend and love to give to a foster (or permanent) greyhound. No experience, no fenced yard, you work, you have kids, you're retired, you're single, you live in an apartment, you have other dogs, cats? That's all ok!"
Join the Journey
Whether you're experienced or new to greyhounds, there's a place for you. Contact Greyt Angels to learn more about fostering or adopting. Your story could begin with a simple message, just like Sara's did.
"Contact me or Greyt Angels if you're interested in fostering, adopting, or helping in any other way. All I did to get started was send a Facebook message and then attend a greyhound meet and greet, and now you're reading my story. Maybe you'll write your own a year from now. The hounds and Greyt Angels thanks you."
Thank you for considering opening your heart and home to a greyhound in need.