This week’s Greyt Adoption Update comes from Ariana and Maya, who share their heartwarming story about fostering and adopting their beloved greyhound, Bugsy Siegel.
After the passing of her husband, Ariana and her daughter Maya found themselves in a quiet home. Maya, 12 years old and longing for a pet, faced allergies that made finding the right companion challenging. Through research, Ariana discovered that greyhounds are ideal for those with allergies, leading them to explore fostering with Greyt Angels.
They eagerly awaited the arrival of new dogs in Indiana, and from that group, Bugsy Siegel made his way into their lives.
“After the death of my husband, my daughter and I were alone and lonely. My daughter was 12 and she always wanted a dog, but had allergies. I researched breeds and discovered that Greyhounds are one of the best breeds for those with allergies. I got in touch with Greyt Angels and asked them about fostering, as a means to explore the option of owing a dog. We were so excited for a month until more dogs came to Indiana; from that group, our special baby found us.
His name is Bugsy Siegel. He came in March of 2018, and for the entire first night, he cried every hour in his crate. It was 2:00am before I figured out that I should let him sleep on the floor next to me; then, he slept like a baby! He only wants to be with us. He is so easy and so compliant. used to run races in Alabama; now he runs races in his own backyard track. We had never met a sweeter dog. He was so happy to be in our home, and so loving. He did everything he was asked, and was potty trained within the first couple of days. Everyone loves him - from the vets to people on the street to other dogs!Very quickly into the foster process, we couldn't imagine our lives without him. On our very first, we "foster failed!"
Now, we consider our family to be three: Mom, Maya, and Siegel. He goes everywhere we can possibly take him, and loves to be included in everything. He is sad when we're apart, as we are, and he is thrilled when we are together, as we are. Siegel has given us love freely, and no part in our lives has more satisfaction or fulfillment. Every day, we are grateful for him. Since Siegel came, we've had 7 fosters in the house. We love each of them, and all have different and unique personalities, but none of them holds that special place in our hearts like our very first greyhound fur baby.”
Ariana and Maya's story is a beautiful example of how fostering can turn into a lifelong bond. Their journey with Bugsy Siegel highlights the profound impact these gentle dogs can have, bringing joy and love into their lives. They continue to foster, offering other greyhounds the chance to find their forever homes while cherishing the unique connection they have with Siegel.