Terri shares how life has transformed since adopting Lambo, the greyhound who has brought joy and structure to their home.
A New Routine
With Lambo's arrival, the family embraced a new schedule. Acting as a living clock, Lambo ensures everyone knows when it's time to eat and sleep, making clocks almost obsolete.
Things in our house have changed since Lambo joined our family 2 1/2 years ago. We now live by a strict schedule and a new set of rules. Following are just a few examples of the changes. We no longer needs clocks. Lambo alerts us each day when it's 8:00a and 5:00p (time to eat) and also when it's bedtime and time to wake up.
The Greenie Ritual
Greenies have become a household staple, with each one celebrated by Lambo with enthusiasm worthy of a commercial audition.
We must always keep an inventory of Greenies in the house. A Greenie is demanded every evening after dinner and celebrated each time as if he is auditioning for a role in a Greenies commercial.
Living with Lambo
Terri has learned to navigate her workspace carefully, always aware of Lambo's presence underfoot. Opening the pantry door where Lambo's leash is kept is a carefully timed event.
While working at my desk I am no longer free to move my chair or feet for even a centimeter without first checking for a leg, tail or nose. Most importantly, and this is critical, once we put on shoes, we must NEVER open the pantry door where Lambo's leash is kept.
A Special Bond
Lambo and Terri share a unique connection reminiscent of choreographed routines. Their synchronized movements during mealtime are a testament to their bond.
You've seen the videos of well trained dogs who are one with their trainer, perfectly doing things like stop, down, heel, right? Well at a few select times of day, I get to experience that with Lambo. When it's time to eat and I walk down the hall into another couple of rooms to feed our other dog, I have one of those exceptional dogs at my side. He stops if I stop, goes faster or slower as I do (which I do just for fun). He changes from one side to the other at the same spots in the house each time. It's also a lot like those videos where people do choreographed dances with their dogs except we aren't wearing matching outfits...most of the time.
Dedicated to Lambo
Terri's free time now revolves around ensuring Lambo's happiness, from stocking up on favorite toys to baking special treats. Lambo's contentment is a top priority.
My free time is now consumed with Lambo related shopping and baking. When Lambo's favorite toy showed up on a clearance rack, I bought the last 6. I have been to every pet store in Fort Wayne looking to buy more (just in case). I have a marathon baking session about once a month to make Sheryl's crack cookies because I'm afraid if Lambo didn't get one at bedtime he would try to call 911. Thanks for that routine, Jesse. Speaking of Jesse, I can't thank him enough for taking care of Lambo while he was waiting for me. Jesse, you rock!
Gratitude to Greyt Angels
Terri expresses heartfelt thanks to Jesse and Greyt Angels for bringing Lambo into their lives. Described as a hound from heaven, Lambo has enriched their family in countless ways.
A little boy at a M&G petting Lambo once said "he's from heaven," and I wholeheartedly agree. We're so lucky to have this angel of a hound in our lives. Thanks to everyone at Greyt Angels for bringing this happy, happy hound to us!
Thank you, Terri, for sharing your delightful journey with Lambo.