Luis shares his heartfelt journey of adopting two special greyhounds, Earl and Fame, and becoming a passionate advocate for the breed.
Discovering Greyhounds
Luis's love for greyhounds began in college when a classmate brought one to class. Captivated by the breed's gentle nature, he dreamed of adopting one. After moving to South Bend, he found a pet-friendly apartment and soon met Earl.
I adopted Earl in 2017 and Fame in 2018. I first knew I wanted a greyhound when a classmate my sophomore year of college. I took summer classes, which were more laid back, and during one the professor let everyone bring in pets and someone brought in a greyhound. I was amazed by how large and yet gentle his greyhound was. After that I read all the classic prospective adoptee books and fell in love with the breed. I knew it would be a few years before I'd be able to have one, but when I made the decision to move to South Bend I moved to a pet-friendly apartment from the beginning because I knew I'd want to get a greyhound ASAP.
Meeting Earl
Earl had been waiting for a home for over six months, but the connection with Luis was instant. Their transition was seamless, and Earl quickly became an integral part of Luis's life, offering companionship and unconditional love.
When I met Earl, I knew we were meant to be together. I could not believe he had been fostered for 6+ months and that nobody had chosen him yet, so I think he was waiting for me, too. It was such an easy transition for both of us, I really lucked out. For most people, there is a break-in period where their grey will be anxious and have accidents or not be very affectionate. With Earl, it was like we had been together forever and he just became a part of my life effortlessly.
Welcoming Fame
In search of a companion for Earl, Luis adopted Fame, a senior brood mama. Fame's playful spirit and quirky nature impressed him, although her adjustment period was longer. Over time, Fame settled in, bringing joy and laughter to their home.
In November, I wanted to get a second grey to keep him company during the day and although it didn't work out at first, six months later we met and adopted Fame, a senior brood mama. I was so impressed with how playful and quirky she was for being an older gal. She did have a much longer and tougher break-in period, but eventually it all worked out!
Two Unique Personalities
Earl thrives on human interaction, while Fame enjoys attention on her terms. Despite their differences, both greyhounds enrich Luis's life with their unique traits and unconditional love.
I love both of them so much, but they are such different dogs. Earl is very people-oriented and wants attention all the time from family and strangers alike. Surprisingly, he's not very dog-oriented. Although he likes meeting and interacting with other dogs at meet n' greets, he doesn't really like to play with them or snuggle them. Fame is much more reserved and wants attention on her time, but when she does want attention it's all the more special. She loves to give kisses and, despite being older, loves to run. She also talks and sings to me sometimes when she's hungry or wants to go out. I don't think the two of them will ever be very physically affectionate with each other, but when they are separated I can tell that they think about the other one and miss them. I love them both so much. They offer unconditional love and I can only hope that I bring them a fraction of the joy that they bring me every day.
A Greyt Community
Luis praises the support of Greyt Angels, which provided guidance and a sense of community throughout his adoption journey. The friendships and connections he's made have been invaluable.
The Greyt Angels community has been fantastic as well. I have met and befriended so many greyt people through the group and really appreciate the pre- and post-adoption support that they offer. Greyt Angels really cares about its placements and making sure the fit is right for the person and the hound!”All reactions:100100
Thank you, Luis, for sharing your wonderful story with Earl and Fame.