This week, we’re thrilled to share an update from Leroy and Dee about their greyhound journey, and how Greyt Angels brought her family together with Billy, then Boo, then Phantom. Sometimes it seems like these hounds pick the adopters and even if you say nope, they have a way to race right into your heart.
A New Beginning
Their journey began with Tyra, a beautiful Italian greyhound who brought love and completeness to their home. After losing her, Deanne's family decided to adopt again, especially as her father's care for her ailing mother became his focus. They hoped a new dog would give him companionship and purpose.
“Our first grey was a little Italian beauty Never Tired, whom we called Tyra because she was beautiful. She never raced as she had a cancer on her tail, which claimed part of her tail. She was about 2 when we got her and she made life so complete in the household. And then about 6 years later we lost her to kidney disease. Several years go by. Mom and Dad said, nope, no more dogs. Mom gets sick. Dad’s very existence was taking care of Mom. So Mom and I talked about getting another dog. Give Dad someone to wake up for when Mom was gone. Someone that he could take care of. So I visited the Greyt Angels Meet and Greet at Petco and met Carol, Lynn and Amy. I was really taken by the way that they fawned over the dogs and talked to the “puppers”. So, I went home and told Mom about these wonderful people and the dogs I had seen.
Meeting Billy
At a Greyt Angels event, Deanne met Carol, Lynn, and Amy, whose passion for greyhounds was infectious. Soon, Billy entered their lives. Although they initially wanted a small female, Billy's larger-than-life presence and immediate bond with Deanne's dad made him the perfect match. He became a constant companion, sharing a deep connection with her father.
"We made a date for them to bring us Billy. We really were looking for another small female like Tyra. But in walks this larger than life dog and he walked right up to Dad and Dad was sold. Billy became Dad’s constant companion. If Dad was outside, Billy was outside. Billy loved to play ball with Dad."
Finding Boo
As Billy aged, Deanne knew he needed a friend. Enter Boo, a timid black and white greyhound who quickly became Billy's sidekick. Though shy at first, Boo found comfort in Billy's presence, and they formed an inseparable bond.
After a few years, we saw that Billy was getting older and not as active and thought that maybe he needed a friend. So I contacted Greyt Angels again and they thought they had a nice companion dog for Billy. When they came to the house, though, they brought us two to choose from. A beautiful Brindle and this black and white that was like a perfect match to Billy coloring. We kept the black and white and named him Boo, or Boo Boo Bear as I like to call him. Boo was the perfect name for him because if you said Boo, he’d jump. Poor thing was as timid as they came. I spent most of the first night getting him to run by me so I could stick my hand out and rub his side as he went passed. Each time he went slower and slower until he finally let me touch him without running away. He kept Billy active until the day we lost Billy, which was terribly sad day for us all, the way that he went. Boo was at a loss. He lost his big brother; his confidence went with him as well. Billy was Boo’s rock and safety zone. As long as Billy showed it was okay to walkup to someone to be petted, so did Boo. Boo started moping around and we knew we had to get another dog, but which one?"
Welcoming Phantom
After Billy's passing, Boo was left lost and grieving. The search for another companion led them to Phantom, who immediately clicked with Boo. Their friendship brought joy back into their home, and both dogs became the center of Deanne's father's world.
"Called the Greyt Ladies at Greyt Angels again. They had one they thought would work and we arranged to go meet her. However, once we got to the foster home (Thank you Jesse) we again ended up with another dog that was not who we thought we would be getting. Boo and Phantom (aren’t their names perfect?) got along great. Close in age, and they really enjoy each other.
Now here we are two beautiful greyhounds that are the center of my Dad’s world. His confusion makes him call Boo Billy and Phantom Boo, but they seem to know whom he is talking to or about. They make our house full of fun. Boo is still as timid as ever, but is finally (after all these years) to warm up to my oldest daughter, but Phantom is just like Billy, he thinks everyone is there to see him. I hate to imagine our life without these wonderful animals. I wish I had room to where we could foster, but that will just have to wait until later."
A Family United
Boo and Phantom's presence has filled Deanne's home with love and laughter. Despite her father's occasional confusion with their names, the dogs understand the love behind every word. Boo has slowly warmed up to Deanne’s daughter, while Phantom, much like Billy, believes everyone is there to see him.
Deanne’s story highlights the joy and fulfillment that greyhounds bring, making it hard to imagine life without these wonderful animals.